
Posted: December 8, 2010 in Uncategorized

       Imagine hearing your individual amateur radio callsign coming back to you through the aether in morse code from a scientist working at the McMurdo station in the Antarctic.    

       Imagine your callsign in morse being sent by a Boeing 747 pilot on a transatlantic flight.      

      Imagine your callsign being returned from the Space Station by the United States Space Station astronaut who is conversant  in morse code.        

       Do you see and feel the thrill these moments would create in the minds of medically challenged young adults?   Do you understand the feelings of pride and accomplishment these moments would create in medically challenged young adults, who have formerly felt the pain of underachievment and low self esteem?  How wonderful the moments would be if recreated under the audience of the youngster’s important peers  (who cannot feel this pride because they have not worked to accomplish morse proficiency and worked to pass the exam needed to obtain an amateur radio license).  

      You will not know how much fun, stress diverting and self esteem elevating amateur radio, including morse communication, is unless you are exposed to this impressive mode of communication.  Morse communication combines the fun, challenges and self esteem elevating properties of video gaming with the utility of cell phone texting to communicate with other people. However, morse communication does not have the risk of addiction to video-gaming, including addiction  to the mature video game themes. Morse communication is so much more fun and faster than cell phone texting.  

      Thirteen years ago, KID’S CLUB was imprinted on the developer’s mind. This developer has been searching for help (chairpeople) to move KID’S CLUB into the nation’s medical institutions and Ronald McDonald Homes.  He is still searching for the influential people who can move this wonderful project into the medically challenged young population. In the hospital discharge process, the young patient’s parents would leave a refundable cash deposit with hospital personnel, take home the KID’S CLUB amateur radio and morse communication exposure unit, use this unit at home and then return the unit to the hospital personnel for a refund of this deposit.  The young patient could also purchase this unit by forfeiting this deposit. The chairpeople of KID’S CLUB will solicit unit funding for these hospital supplied KID’S CLUB units from local service club membership (Kiwanis Club, Lions Club, Rotary Club, Shriners Club, or Elks Club).

      The project cannot succeed unless you step forward and volunteer your time and influence to enable success.       E- communication is so boring and routine- again, mental ESCAPE from worry and depression is possible by using KID’S CLUB units. Thanks so much for being kind and caring enough to consider volunteering.      

      My motive is humanitarian, not financial. I am now a senior citizen and would like to be able to utilize my ideas when I have to enter the hospital or nursing home. Thus, I guess that I have a selfish motive. It would be so nice to have my choice of  “Recovery Radio” distraction curtains surrounding me while my choice of soothing music is played into my pillow and my choice of olfactory management is maintained. I would like to see intravenous catheters inserted into my veins first time, every time- even if a novice is giving me this care. I would like to be able to use my ComCage unit while I am in the nursing home and would love to be able to enter a hospital room devoted to the information management for all the wonderful, healthy hobbies that are now available. I would love to see the young patients exposed to the “Hospital’s Hobby Haven” room and also have a KID’S CLUB unit available for use by hospitalized young patients, their families  and the pediatric mentally ill.    I would love to see “Facebook Depression” as a now extinct diagnosis because of the availability of KID’S CLUB units and the “Hospital’s Hobby Haven” DVD’s. I would love to see the two to six year old patients in the hospital energized by the availability of “Holiday Hams”- an effort to tell these young patients that they are loved, important and will be thought of during their stay. The patients’ favorite storybook hero will “talk” directly to the youngster.  It would be so nice to be able to “talk my attending physician” into signing off on my request to utilize the “bathroom independence” facilities that I talk about here and are now routinely in use. I would like to see the allied health professionals using my “Crib Note” idea routinely.  I would love to see the patient concern about adverse drug events a “non-issue”. The safeguards I propose in this blog make such mistakes impossible.       

       I have a patentable idea that would be heavily used in the amateur radio and possibly also the military communities.  This idea is not seen at this time, in this project blog.  It would be reasonably priced, very unique, easily used and would have no similar product like it. I will give this idea to any corporate staff who will agree to earnestly work on and help develop the KID’S CLUB aspect of this project. I would hope also for a licensing agreement with this partner that will give partial revenues from this patentable idea directly to my three children and my personal friend, Pastor Wayde Kenneke- to lighten their economic load in life.      

       I hope that there are people perceptive enough to see the value of one or more of these ideas.   Please email me at: duanewyatt@hotmail.com if you are interested in helping me.   My cell phone telephone number is  916-677-9799.     My wife’s  (Sheryl)  cell phone number is: 916-677-6936.

  1. Brianna Mathews says:

    You were visited with simply excellent idea 🙂

  2. Carolyn says:

    As your “big sister”, I’ve known you about as long and as well as anyone. I just want to tell you and others of your generous nature and your heartfelt wish to do good in the world. I hope that one of your ideas comes to fruition. I also want to say that, no matter the outcome of your ideas, you’re a kind, smart, compassionate, wonderful man and brother, and your worth isn’t dependent on the implementation of these projects.

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